2020-2021 Academic Year Fall Semester Registration and Advisor Approvals
- English
- Türkçe
Dear Students,
Due to the pandemic, it has been decided that advisor approvals for the registration of the fall semester of 2020-2021 academic year are carried out in a way that does not make the advisors and the students interact face-to-face. With this regard, a button labeled “Request Registration Approval” has been added to the interactive registration interface. During the registration for fall semester, our students will be able to add the courses they want to take and finalize the registration process by clicking on this button so that the request for approval along with the list of the added courses is sent to the Advisor Approval Program. Students who do not request advisor approval by using the "Request Registration Approval" button will not be able to get advisor approval.
By viewing Advisor Approval Program, the advisors will be able to see the students requesting approval and approve the requests without the need for the students’ passwords. An email that will inform the students that the approval has been done (with the following message: Your registration has been approved: “Kayıt Onayınız Yapılmıştır”) will be sent to the students automatically.
When the advisor needs to contact the students about the issues related with the registration, s/he can click on the button “Request Correction” in the Advisor Approval Program interface. To do so, s/he will send an email titled “Registration approval correction”. In this case, the student will need to make the necessary corrections and send a request for approval again. At the end of this process, the students will have finalized the registration and the registration approval without having to contact their advisors in person.
Our students need to be in contact with their advisors while handling the issues related with the registration and the approval processes. In order not to experience any problems and inconvenience, it is essential that this change in the registration process be kept in mind. Our students need to make sure that, within the registration approval period, they have received the email (stating: “Your registration has been approved”) which is sent automatically.
You can use this link for further information.
We wish you wellbeing and success.
*Students who are obliged to pay tuition fees, should make tuition fee payment at first, and then they should carry out course the registration and advisor approval processes.